Ed Muller

Ed Muller began his Army career with the 3rd Infantry Division during WW2. During his years of service he worked his way through the ranks from what he referred to as an “enlisted swine,” and retired as an LTC in 1985.

Ed was what we would call a, “soldier’s soldier.” He frequently told the story about how he came to be a member of Special Forces. Ed_Muller_1958

Ed Muller (circa 1958)

When the opportunity to join became available he said that when he told some of his friends, they said that he was nuts. Ed’s answer to that was that this is what he wanted to do. And if, in joining even as an officer, would be required to clean the toilets to become a member of the unit, he would do it.

2003 Ed Muller Makes Major

Ed Muller (circa 1971)

When it comes to Ed Muller we are reminded of a quote from Will Rogers that would be most appropriate here, “I never met a man I didn’t like.” In the years that we knew Ed it can be said that we never met anyone who did not like Ed Muller.
